Data Backup And Disaster Recovery

Data Backup means the procedure of making one or several copies of your data to protect it. Disaster recovery is the plan or processes for fast reestablishing work of applications and access to the data after an unexpected downtime. Why do you need data backup and disaster recovery solution?


A backup is a simple copy of your data to another storage location. This can be done, for example, using an additional computer or a cloud-based backup solution. Data backup is crucial to all business operations. Backups allow you to keep your data safe if you accidentally delete something important or if your hardware fails. A data backup will allow you to easily recover information that you have recently lost.

Disaster recovery is similar to backup, but is usually needed for more serious unexpected issues. Disaster recovery completely preserves your entire system, including disk drives and servers. This gives the company the ability to restore the entire system without reinstalling the operating system. Disaster recovery can enable you to dramatically reduce downtime.

Data backup is certainly important for business, but you cannot exclude a disaster recovery procedure, because it completely protects your business.


Business should always use Data Backup and Disaster Recovery together. It is logical that if you do not make a backup copy of the data, then there will be nothing to restore. The reasons for the need for backup and disaster recovery procedures include not only minimizing the loss of profit, but also:

  • Wide range of risks – Data is a valuable resource in running a business, and it is subject to many risks. Major risks include physical damage to equipment, human threats or even natural disasters. You may have minimized some of these risks, but any vulnerability can put your data at risk, so it is crucial that you have a procedure to keep you operations in any disaster that might occur.
  • Fail of security – Even the most robust security measures can fail, allowing viruses to seriously harm your business. If you use the right Data Backup and Disaster Recovery plan, you can, for example, protect your data in the cloud, and in the event of a virus attack, you can take uninfected versions of your data and restore it to a cleaned device.
  • Loss of productivity – In the event of data loss, your performance will suffer. Until your data is restored, your business will not be able to work, you can lose customers and, as a result, profit.

Don’t want to lose money and get distressed? Protect your data with us!


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