Full Network Maintenace

Network maintenance includes all the tasks and systems that are necessary to monitor, update and run your organization's computer network before problems occur. This “network" itself includes hardware and servers, and non-physical IT assets

Like other business functions, a healthy IT ecosystem depends on active daily activities and strategic forecasts, not on reactive or spontaneous fixes. The basic principles of your network maintenance — and the basis for a successful regular network maintenance plan – usually include the following points:

  • To ensure Network cybersecurity, it is necessary to implement reliable and modern levels of network protection. These include firewalls for traffic management, user access controls, virtual private networks, log checks for usage documentation, dual authentication measures, real-time breach alerts, and automatically generated security reports.
  • Network Performance: Analyzing key network performance issues affecting the speed and reliability of your devices, including bandwidth usage, traffic patterns, bottlenecks, frequently failing or crash servers, connection delays, and more.
  • Network scalability: Building appropriate software and hardware systems that suit your current operations, the number of network users, the location of the final points and business functions.
  • Regular hardware and software updates: Distribution of updates proportionally across network components and interfaces, which helps to improve both overall network performance and security protection.
  • Compliance with IT infrastructure: Ensuring internal compliance with the company’s practices, as well as external government regulations and industry policy.
  • Proactive Network Repair: Application of automated reports and analytics to detect and fix usage problems in the IT ecosystem.


Despite the fact that for most network engineers, documentation is a fairly mundane and even modest task, it must be taken into account that documentation is the most important condition for network maintenance, troubleshooting and maintenance of work. It is worth remembering that different organizations have different standards for an acceptable level of documentation. There are several main principles or recommendations that you should follow while documenting the network:

  1. Defining a goal
  2. Designation the area of responsibility
  3. Documentation consistency support
  4. Easy accessibility of documentation
  5. Maintaining documentation


Unfortunately, many enterprises, as a rule, do not pay much attention to performing routine maintenance tasks, for example, data backup, permanent backup of important data of your business can be useful when restoring information lost in a serious or critical network failure. The planning, monitoring and verification of all backups of the main network components and devices will simplify and accelerate the recovery of the network or individual network components after a hardware or software failure.


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